Life Stories

Hundreds of Life Stories-Unlimited Variety-Awesome Topics-The Most... Only (7) visible, however, each week
a New Story will replace an existing one, for your continued Motivation Experience-Enjoy!

  • I Listened – Even Though I Thought I Knew it All (83)

    Some mistakes you just can’t learn from, they are to be avoided. It can make the difference between–Life and Death!Hi everybody this is Quoya again (the author), they tried to hide me away but they can’t keep a strong lady down, we got stuff to talk about. I miss talking to you all and I owe you a joke, so imma keep talking while I think of one. What you guys been doing? I’ve been thinking about how to share my struggles from my teen years to early adulthood, cause I wasn’t perfect, but I wasn’t a loser either. So…

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  • My Life is Far From Over – I own It & I Will Restore It (85)

    I Changed when I first understood the Power of the word “NO”…Reality Check – I am responsible for the Choices I’ve made. The other options that I passed up some are still available to me. I have a second chance, it is once again up to me which I choose. And yes, most of my choices were peer pressure influenced. Nevertheless, it is my life, my decision, and my devastation, I own it, and I will repair it.This is my Trick-bag, my catch-22. I saw the smoke-ran towards it,- found the fire and jumped in with both feet. There was…

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Inspirational Life Stories

Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look up into the sky—it’s a bird, it’s a plane—no! It’s your drug of choice. It can make you feel invincible, powerful, and can even make some people believe they can fly. But you aren’t Superman—you are just high, and you might die before you are able to come down.

Drugs are the breeder of corruption and can destroy entire family relationships—from wives, kids, mothers, fathers, grandparents, cousins, friends, sisters, and brothers. Drugs have no respect for a person or position—they seek whom they may devour—and make no mistake about it—they will destroy you, what you own, and whom you love.

Alcohol, the most lethal and legal drug on the planet, has the capability of all of the above, and if you defy it and try to quit on your own, it is the one drug with withdrawals so severe that even trying to stop could kill you. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth trying. Through our inspirational life stories, we hope to push you toward making the right choices in your life and aid you on your path toward alcohol prevention.

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The Importance of Alcohol Prevention

Kids, alcohol is a fatal attraction. If you know there is a family history; it is essential to remember that it can kill you if you drink it—it can kill you if you stop—so, why even start? No doubt about it, it “will” destroy your life! Just look at the statistics—the average age of death due to alcohol is only 30 years old!

According to the Centers for Disease Control, the most common causes of death due to alcohol include:

  • Liver Disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Cancer
  • Ulcers & Gastrointestinal Problems
  • Immune System Dysfunction
  • Brain Damage
  • Malnourishment & Vitamin Deficiencies
  • Osteoporosis

Alcohol is also the most commonly abused drug in the United States, with more people addicted to it than all other illicit drugs combined. So don’t fool yourself if you have a problem, there is no such thing as responsible drinking, slowing down, or any other type of drinking management. You will end up with zero control, and your body will demand its quote—drunk!

136.7 million Americans aged 12 and older drink alcohol. 65.3 million people aged 12 and older binge drink. 16.3 million people aged 12 and older drink heavily. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health stated in 2016 that 15.1 million Americans aged 12 and older had some form of alcohol use disorder. They also said that 488,000 of those people were youths between 12 and 17. That same year, 2.3 million people realized that they had a problem and started receiving treatment for alcohol abuse.

Alcohol affects the frontal lobes of your brain, where personality and higher cognitive functions occur, such as reasoning and decision-making. Although alcohol can have a temporary uplifting or relaxing effect on your mood, it is also a deceptive and deadly depressant. It affects our brain in ways that make it more difficult to manage stress, increasing the risk of anxiety, depression, and even suicide.

Alcohol also has a negative impact on the area of the brain responsible for forming new memories. That is why you might have a hard time recalling specific details of a night out or—in extreme cases—experience a total blackout of the night. Long-term drinking can damage your brain and impact the cerebellum, which regulates stability and balance. This is also why you might notice that you are clumsier or stagger when drunk.

What a terrible web we weave when we know all this information and still choose to drink alcohol or use it irresponsibly. This is one of the follies of youth to ignore these facts and the history of this corruptive drug, but it is time to shine a light on alcohol abuse and make sure you never pick up a bottle to begin with.

The Importance of Alcohol Prevention

Kids, alcohol is a fatal attraction. If you know there is a family history; it is essential to remember that it can kill you if you drink it—it can kill you if you stop—so, why even start? No doubt about it, it “will” destroy your life! Just look at the statistics—the average age of death due to alcohol is only 30 years old!

According to the Centers for Disease Control, the most common causes of death due to alcohol include:

  • Liver Disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Cancer
  • Ulcers & Gastrointestinal Problems
  • Immune System Dysfunction
  • Brain Damage
  • Malnourishment & Vitamin Deficiencies
  • Osteoporosis

Alcohol is also the most commonly abused drug in the United States, with more people addicted to it than all other illicit drugs combined. So don’t fool yourself if you have a problem, there is no such thing as responsible drinking, slowing down, or any other type of drinking management. You will end up with zero control, and your body will demand its quote—drunk!

136.7 million Americans aged 12 and older drink alcohol. 65.3 million people aged 12 and older binge drink. 16.3 million people aged 12 and older drink heavily. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health stated in 2016 that 15.1 million Americans aged 12 and older had some form of alcohol use disorder. They also said that 488,000 of those people were youths between 12 and 17. That same year, 2.3 million people realized that they had a problem and started receiving treatment for alcohol abuse.

Alcohol affects the frontal lobes of your brain, where personality and higher cognitive functions occur, such as reasoning and decision-making. Although alcohol can have a temporary uplifting or relaxing effect on your mood, it is also a deceptive and deadly depressant. It affects our brain in ways that make it more difficult to manage stress, increasing the risk of anxiety, depression, and even suicide.

Alcohol also has a negative impact on the area of the brain responsible for forming new memories. That is why you might have a hard time recalling specific details of a night out or—in extreme cases—experience a total blackout of the night. Long-term drinking can damage your brain and impact the cerebellum, which regulates stability and balance. This is also why you might notice that you are clumsier or stagger when drunk.

What a terrible web we weave when we know all this information and still choose to drink alcohol or use it irresponsibly. This is one of the follies of youth to ignore these facts and the history of this corruptive drug, but it is time to shine a light on alcohol abuse and make sure you never pick up a bottle to begin with.

Show Me Your Glory…

The Milky Way is the galaxy where our earth and solar system reside, which has approximately 30 billion suns. Most of these suns are larger than our own. To give a better example, you can fit about 1.3 million earths inside our sun.

The sun is approximately 846,000 miles in diameter. It is approximately 93 million miles from earth, and its core temperature is about 27 million degrees. It is the primary source of energy on earth.

A light year is a distance that light travels in one year at the rate of 186,000 miles per second. Our enormous Milky Way’s diameter—from rim to rim—is 200,000 light years. There are approximately 100,000 galaxies like the Milky Way in the universe; some of them are millions of light years apart.

I am the Beginning and the Ending, the First and the Last…

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